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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/07/17 Part 4: Submissive Citizens Greg Chandler Sermon Citizens of Heaven...Pilgrims on Earth Gospel Meeting 170507_Chandler2.mp3
05/07/17 Part 5: Heading Home Greg Chandler Sermon Citizens of Heaven...Pilgrims on Earth Gospel Meeting 170507_Chandler3.mp3
05/06/17 Part 2: Peculiar Pilgrims Greg Chandler Sermon Citizens of Heaven...Pilgrims on Earth Gospel Meeting 170506_Chandler.mp3
05/05/17 Part 1: Elect Exiles Greg Chandler Sermon Citizens of Heaven...Pilgrims on Earth Gospel Meeting 170505_Chandler.mp3
04/30/17 Rejoice Is a Commandment Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170430.mp3
04/23/17 Preparing The Heart For Worship Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170423.mp3
04/16/17 On The First Day Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170416.mp3
04/09/17 I'm Not Good Enough....But Christ Is Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170409.mp3
04/02/17 Citizens of Heaven, Pilgrims on Earth #5 - The Coming Events Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170402.mp3
03/26/17 Faith, Your Faith, The Faith Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170326.mp3
03/12/17 God is Looking for Humility Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170312.mp3
03/05/17 Citizens of Heaven, Pilgrims on Earth #4 - Daily Thoughts on Eternity Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170305.mp3
02/26/17 Citizens of Heaven, Pilgrims on Earth #3 - Our Sojourn Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170226.mp3
02/19/17 Citizens of Heaven, Pilgrims on Earth #2 - Heaven, Our Goal, Our Home Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170219.mp3
02/12/17 Citizens of Heaven, Pilgrims on Earth #1 - Introduction Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170212.mp3
02/05/17 Nothing Rick Reynolds Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170205.mp3
01/29/17 Great Examples of Womanhood Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170129.mp3
01/22/17 Great Examples of Manhood Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170122.mp3
01/15/17 Strong and Godly Leadership Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170115.mp3
01/08/17 The Joy and Privilege of Being in the Body Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170108.mp3
01/01/17 Three Things to Remember, Three to Anticipate Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 170101.mp3
12/25/16 The Beauty and Power of Christ's Death Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 161225_am_Mullins.mp3
12/18/16 The Great Life Force - Darwinian Survival vs Biblical Love Phillip Mullins Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship The_Great_Life_Force_-_Darwinian_Survival_vs_Biblical_Love.mp3
12/14/16 A Critique of the General Theory of Evolution - Part 1 Austin Underwood Bible Class Creation vs. Evolution Wed Bible Study 161214_A_Critique_of_the_General_Theory_of_Evolution_Part1.mp3
12/14/16 A Critique of the General Theory of Evolution - Part 2 Austin Underwood Bible Class Creation vs. Evolution Wed Bible Study 161214_A_Critique_of_the_General_Theory_of_Evolution_Part2.mp3

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